• Tel : 604-277-7166
  • Fax : 604-277-3811

Our Family,

Caring for Yours

Book an Appointment

In Person Appointments Available

26 Febuary, 2023

Please note you can now book both telehealth (phone) or in person appointments online through the 'Book an Appointment' button above

Attention: Patient's of Dr. Amanda Dulai

24 July, 2022

Dr. Dulai has now relocated her practice to Thrive Medical Centre.

Address: 8060-11688 Steveston Highway
Richmond, BC
V7A 1N6
Next to Rosemary Rocksalt Bagery

Please contact 604-227-4917 or email info@thrivemedicalclinic.ca for more information or visit the website

Online Booking Update

20 May, 2022

Our online booking system has been upgraded by our electronic medical records company. As a result, all patients will have to re-register for online booking. Unfortunately this update was out of our control and we apologize for any inconvience.

You must have both a cellphone number and an email in your file in order to register. You can now self register here.

If you do not have a cellphone number and email on file with us, please fill out this form

Once your file is updated, you will receive an email to register.

Covid-19 Vaccination

17 April, 2021

Information on the covid vaccine including if you are eligible and how to register is avaliable here. Additional information including safety information, when you are likely to become eligible for the vaccine is available at the same website.

**Please note: at this point family physician offices have NOT been asked to be involved with covid-19 vaccines

Covid information

17 April, 2021

For information on when and where to get tested for covid-19 please check BC Centre for Disease Control

To see testing sites near you please see this map

At the time of publication, the current testing site in Richmond, B.C. is located at the North JetSet parking lot, located at 5911 North Service Road, Richmond. Current hours of operation are 0800-1700.